Other names/Nicknames:
- Belgian Sheepdog
Country/Date of origin:
- Belgium
- 1200′s
- 22 to 26 inches
- 60 to 70 pounds
- Very intelligent.
- Trustworthy around people and property.
- A no-nonsense dog with an innate sense of duty.
- Cautious of strangers.
- Makes a fine watchdog.
- Loyal and affectionate to its family.
There are three herding dogs known collectively as the Belgian Shepherds. They share the same standard and are identical except for coat and color. The most popular is the long-haired Tervuren, which is a rich mahogany overlaid with sooty black. The Gronendael, a long-haired solid black dog is usually referred to as the Belgian Sheepdog. The short- haired variety is the Malinois, which is a brown or tan color with black mask and ears. They are shown as varieties of a single breed in some countries and as three separate breeds in others, including their Belgian homeland. The American Kennel Club (AKC) has considered them as three separate breeds since 1959.
Body Type:
- Has a square, muscular body.
- Medium-length, bushy tail is carried low and is never altered.
- The ears are erect and are not altered.
- Long, straight, moderately-harsh, double coat lies flat to the body.
- Moderate grooming required except when shedding in the spring and fall.
- Color is a solid black.
- Small bits of white are allowed but not desired.
Health and Wellness:
- Generally healthy.
- Subject to hip dysplasia.
What you should know:
- This breed can be too aggressive.
- It was bred to protect flocks from attack by wolves and wild dogs. It still has that strong territorial protectiveness and it is sometimes misplaced.
- The black variety is the most popular world wide.
- This breed was used as a war dog in World War I and II.