Other names:
- Coquetdale Terrier
- Reedwater Terrier
Country/Date of origin:
- Border country between England and Scotland
- 19th century
- 12 to 13 inches at shoulder
- 12 to 15 pounds
- Unspoiled in looks and personality.
- Gets along well with other pets.
- Plucky and courageous, although not as argumentative as some other terriers.
- Very upbeat and willing to please.
- Can be strong willed.
The Border Terrier, which had no particular name until the 1860′s, was bred by farmers in the hill country that makes up the border between Scotland and England. Strangely enough, the terrier did not get its name from the border country but from a pack of foxhounds called the Border Hunt. The little go-to-ground terriers, which followed the hunters, were used to roust the fox from its lair. Working ability was favored above all, and to this day the rough-and-ready Borders retain the pluck and spirit necessary to go after a fox, badger or otter. Fearful that acceptance into the show world would diminish the supremely important working abilities, Border breeders did not join the English Kennel Club until 1920. Membership into the American Kennel Club (AKC) came even later, with the first dog registered in the 1927 Stud Book.
Body Type:
- This no-frills working terrier has a compact body and a head that is similar to that of an otter.
- Drop ears are not altered.
- Tail is not altered.
- Harsh, wiry, double coat is very weather resistant.
- Needs little grooming. Even shown in natural state.
- Red, wheaten, grizzle and tan, and blue and tan are the allowed colors.
Health and Wellness:
- Ventricular septal defects.
- Cushing’s syndrome (PDH and AT).
What you should know:
- Unspoiled in looks and personality, the Border Terrier has never been a faddish breed and consequently has kept its true working ability.
- Thick skinned (literally) to protect from the bites of fox, badger and otter.
- Needs plenty of exercise.