Other names/Nicknames:
- Brazilian Mastiff
Country/Date of origin:
- Brazil
- 1800′s
- 24 to 30 inches
- 100 pounds minimum
- Characterized by an intense loyalty to its master.
- Territorial and will guard its property without being told.
- Aggressive towards strangers.
The Fila developed as an all-around, working dog on the great cattle estancias of Brazil. They descend from Portuguese herding dogs that were introduced in colonial times, English Mastiffs, old-style Bulldogs, and Bloodhounds. This resulted in a tough, bold guardian that can also hunt jaguar, drive cattle, and act as a tracker in police work. Still little known outside of its native Brazil, the Fila has a reputation for being fierce. It is banned in England under the Dangerous Dogs Act.
Body Type:
- A robust, short-coated dog of the Mastiff type.
- Ears are triangular and hang flat against the face.
- Tail is moderately long and not altered.
- The Bloodhound influence is evident in heavy dewlap and pronounced lip flews.
- Hind legs are longer than the forelegs, giving the dog the appearance of going downhill when it is standing.
- Short, dense, and harsh to the touch.
- All colors and combination of colors allowed with the exception of solid white.
- Brindle is the most common.
- Low grooming requirements.
Health and Wellness:
- Hip dysplasia.
- Bloat.
- Bone cancer.
- Heart problems.
What you should know:
- Call these dogs Fee-luh in the Brazilian manner.
- This is too much dog for the average person.
- Bold, aggressive, and dominant, the Fila will walk all over an owner if given an inch.
- Professional obedience lessons are a must to get a puppy under control.
- Many insurance companies will not provide you with liability coverage if you own a Fila. Check with your insurance agent before purchasing a puppy.
- Filas should be protected from dognappers who could steal them for use in pit fights.