Japanese Bobtail Longhair

  • Inquisitive and people-oriented.
  • Active and talkative.
  • Soft voices with a wide range in pitch.
  • The ratio of shorthaired over longhaired offspring is 4:1.

Imported from China or Korea into Japan at least 1,000 years ago.  Featured in Japan’s ancient prints and paintings.  Imported to United States in 1968 with all registered Japanese Bobtails able to trace their ancestry back to the original imports.  Accepted for championship in the Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA) in 1976.

Body Type:
  • Medium-sized, well-muscled cat that is slender rather than massive.
  • Long, finely-chiseled head with high cheekbones and large, wide-set ears.
  • Corkscrew tail is no longer than three to four inches, with the hair fanning out to form a pom pom.
  • Eyes are large, oval, set at a pronounced slant, and complement coat color.
  • Coat is medium long, soft, silky, and without undercoat.
  • Preferred color is the mi-ke (mee-kay) which is white, black, and red and is customarily found only in females.
  • Contrasting colors and bold markings are preferred.
  • All colors are accepted with the exception of a Siamese point pattern and agouti.
Health and Wellness:
  • Genetically linked defects have not been reported in this breed.
What you should know:
  • The unique tails of Japanese Bobtails are somewhat delicate and must not be handled roughly.
  • Usually have litters of four kittens that are extremely large at birth.
  • Low kitten mortality and high disease resistance.
  • Because the Longhaired Japanese Bobtail is still very rare, there may be a brief waiting period before a kitten can be acquired.
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