Manchester Terrier

Other names/Nicknames:
  • Black and Tan Terrier
Country/Date of origin:
  • England
  • 1500′s
  • 15 to 16 inches
  • 12 to 22 pounds
  • A one-family dog that is reserved with strangers.
  • Alert and quick to bark an alarm.
  • Many do not get along with other pets, especially smaller ones.

There are two sizes of the Manchester Terrier, the Standard and the Toy.  Both spring from the same stock, one of the oldest strains of British terrier.  In the Manchester district of England, the breed was developed for the poor-man’s sports of rat killing and rabbit coursing.  Judicious crossings of the now extinct Black and Tan Terrier and Whippets gave the Manchester what was wanted in a rat and rabbit dog—the fire and courage of the terrier, and the speed of the little greyhounds.  In 1923, the American Kennel Club (AKC) adopted the name of Manchester Terrier.  Until 1959 the Toy and the Standard were registered as two separate breeds, although interbreeding between the two breeds was permitted.  Since that date, they have been registered as a single breed with two varieties.  A single litter may have both varieties—those under 12 pounds being shown as Toys, and those over 12 pounds being shows as Standards.

Body Type:
  • Everything about this medium-sized terrier is sleek from the long, unbroken line of the face to the tapering tail.
  • Show classes are often divided into two sizes: 12 to 16 pounds and 16 to 22 pounds.
  • Ears on the standard size are often cropped to stand erect.
  • Unaltered ears are either button or pendant.
  • If ears are to be cropped, this should be done at about eight weeks of age.
  • Altered ears are not allowed in the Toy variety.  Their ears must stand erect naturally.
  • Long, whip-like tail is unaltered.
  • Sleek, short coat lies close to the body and is very glossy.
  • Only color allowed is jet black with mahogany tan markings on the legs and head.
  • A small tan spot on the side of each cheek and over each eye is required.
  • Low maintenance grooming.
Health and Wellness:
  • von Willebrand’s disease.
  • Follicular dysplasia.
What you should know:
  • Once used as a ratter in stables.
  • In an 1880 rat killing contest, a Manchester Terrier called Billy dispatched 100 rodents in just over six minutes.
  • Very graceful in its movements.
  • Breeders describe the Manchester as “pleasant” and “a dog that cares, adapting itself to your moods.”
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