other names/Nicknames:
- Dwarf Spitz
- Pom
Country/Date of origin:
- Germany
- 1800′s
- 11 inches
- 3 to 7 pounds
- 4 to 6 pounds for show specimans
- Very intelligent, alert, and curious.
- Downright nosy.
- Excitable nature, often accompanied by excessive barking.
- Prefers the company of adults.
Originally the Pomeranian was a much larger dog used for herding. It was discovered in the Pomeranian region of Germany, from which it also derived its name. It is a member of the Spitz family, which includes Samoyeds, Malamutes, and Chow Chows. Through careful selection of breeding stock, the dog from Pomerania was reduced in size from 30 pounds to its present day weight. The breed underwent most of the size reduction in Victorian England, but saw continued miniaturization in the 20th century. The Pomeranian has been recognized in the United States since 1900.
Body Type:
- A dwarf member of the Spitz family.
- Erect, pricked-ears are not altered.
- Upright tail tilts forward over the body.
- Expression is described as foxy.
- A heavy, double coat that stands out from the body. The undercoat is short and thick, and the outercoat is longer and coarse.
- The feel of the Pom’s coat is somewhat harsh.
- Colors and combinations of colors are numerous.
- Solids of any color are allowed with or without shadings of sable.
- Parti-colors and black-and-tan bi-colors are also permitted.
- Show classes are divided by color.
- Red is the most commonly seen color.
- The profuse coat takes three years to reach maturity.
- Heavy shedding.
Health and Wellness:
- Patent ductus arteriosis.
- Hydrocephalus.
- Patella luxation.
- Cryptorchidism.
- Juvenile hypoclycemia.
- Epiphora.
- Collapsing trachea.
- Atlantoaxial subluxation.
- Alopecia X.
- Mitral insufficiency.
What you should know:
- In the top ten of American Kennel Club (AKC) breeds.
- The most popular toy dog in the United States.
- Queen Victoria was a great champion of the breed. The breed flourished in England during her reign.
- Alert nature and tendency to bark at strange noises makes the Pom a tiny but capable watchdog.