
Other names/Nicknames:
  • None
Country/Date of origin:
  • Hungary
  • 1800′s
  • 13 to 19 inches
  • 18 to 29 pounds
  • Super intelligent, self-assertive.
  • Pumis are intensely curious.  Nothing escapes their attention.
  • The Terrier’s passion for rat hunting lives in the Pumi.
  • It is not possible to exhaust a Pumi.  They bubble with energy.
  • Pumis have a real sense of humor, which is probably a valuable asset for a pig herder.

The Pumi began to emerge as a separate breed from lines of the more ancient Hungarian Puli in the late 19th century.  The Puli is a long-haired sheep dog while the Pumi is a herding terrier with a medium-long coat.  The Terrier characteristics are an essential part of the Pumi—both physically and temperamentally.  In 1920 they appeared as a regional variety at a Hungarian show, and in 1923, appeared as a separate breed.  It has never, however, attained the popularity of its parent breed.  The Pumi is a versatile herder, taking responsibility for sheep, geese, and pigs in its homeland.

Body Type:
  • Ears are pricked and curl over at the tips.  They are not altered.
  • Tail is set high, forming a loose curl over the back or carried horizontally.  In Hungary, the tail is usually cropped to two-thirds of its original length to give the dog a more Terrier-like appearance.
  • The coat is medium in length and curly, not long and corded like the other Sheepdogs of Hungary.
  • Any color is acceptable as long as it is a solid color.
  • Parti-coloring is not permitted.
  • Gray is the most common color but a rusty-brown and a pale, sandy-yellow are frequently seen.
  • Pure white and pure black are quite rare.
  • The Pumi coat does not mat.
Health and Wellness:
  • A robust and hardy dog that can be kept indoors or out.
What you should know:
  • Very noisy.  Pumi is described as a four-footed burglar alarm.  Their method is not intervention, but prevention.  They nip any attempts at intrusion in the bud.
  • The Pumi listens to everything its master says, often acknowledging the instructions with a little bark.  To anyone watching, it appears that they are having a conversation.
  • Puppies are born black and begin to get their gray coat color around the lips and eyes first, which makes them look like little old men.
  • This breed has never been popular in the United States and puppies will be very difficult to find.
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