General Description: Ranitidine is a histamine blocking agent that is used in dogs and cats to reduce the amount of stomach acid produced and protect the gastrointestinal system from ulcers. Ranitidine is used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, megaesophagus and many other conditions where the esophagus or stomach undergoes long-term irritation. Give ranitidine on an empty stomach. Ranitidine is available as an oral syrup and as tablets.
What is this drug?
A histamine blocking agent
Given by mouth
Reasons for prescribing:
To reduce the amount of stomach acid produced and protect against ulcer formation
Manages nausea, and encourages normal stomach and intestinal contractions (prevents pooling of food)
Used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, poisonings, parvovirus infections, and any disease involving protracted vomiting
Used in combination with long-term medications with stomach irritation tendencies
Used in the treatment of megaesophagus or other conditions where the esophagus is continually exposed to vomit/reflux/stomach acid
3-13 times stronger than cimetidine
What dogs/cats should not take this medication?
Avoid using while pet is nursing kittens/puppies
Use with caution in pets with heart, liver or kidney disease
If your pet has had an allergic reaction to ranitidine or like products before
Give the exact amount prescribed and only as often as directed. It is usually giventwo or three times a day and can be used long-term.
Read and follow the label carefully.
Give on an empty stomach if at all possible. Food will decrease its effectiveness.
Give this medication for as long as veterinarian directs. Do not skip doses or stop giving the medication without consulting your veterinarian.
Call ahead for refills.
Ideally, give the medication at the same time(s) daily.
What if a dose is missed?
If a dose is missed, give it as soon as you can, regardless of feeding status. If it is time already for the next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to the normal schedule. Do not give two doses at the same time.
What to tell/ask veterinarian before giving medication?
Talk to your veterinarian about:
When will your pet need to be rechecked
What tests may need to be performed prior to and during treatment with this drug
Risks and benefits of using this drug
Tell your veterinarian about:
If your pet has experienced side-effects on other drugs/products
If your pet has experienced digestive upset now or ever
If your pet has experienced any other medical problems or allergies now or ever
If your pet is pregnant or nursing or if you plan to breed your pet
Storage and Warnings:
Store in a tight, light resistant, childproof container in a cool, dry place at room temperature away from heat and direct sunlight.
Keep this and all medication out of reach of children and pets.
Call your physician immediately if you accidentally take this product.
Possible side effects:
This medication is usually well tolerated (hence the reason they are ‘over the counter’ drugs)
Possible liver disease. Liver enzymes should be monitored before and during therapy.
Worsening of existing heart rhythm problems (usually just with injectable ranitidine)
If these symptoms persist or you notice anything else unusual, contact your veterinarian
Can this drug be given with other drugs?
Drugs that may interact with ranitidine are: procainamide and propantheline bromide.
If used with antacids, give ranitidine 2 hours before or after the antacid(s).
Itraconazole and ketoconazole may need their dose adjusted if they are given at the same time as ranitidine.
If your pet experiences any unusual reactions when taking multiple medications, contact your veterinarian.
Contact your veterinarian immediately if pet eats more than the prescribed amount.
What else should I know?
Notify your veterinarian if your animal’s condition does not improve or worsens despite this treatment.
As with all prescribed medicines, ranitidine should only be given to the pet for which it was prescribed. It should be given only for the condition for which it was prescribed.
This is just a summary of information about ranitidine. If you have any questions or concerns about ranitidine or the condition it was prescribed for, contact your veterinarian.